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Measurement types
We can measure the following types of samples routinely (those which are non-routine or in development are in parentheses). If there any related analytical techniques of interest then please contact us.
δ13C of organic samples/constituents, including 13C-labelled samples
δ15N of organic samples/constituents, including 15N-labelled samples
δ2H of organic samples
(δ18O of organic samples)
δ34S of organic samples
δ2H of waters, including 2H-labelled waters
δ18O of waters, including 18O-labelled waters
δ13C of carbonates
δ18O of carbonates
δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC)
The node operates five mass spectrometers:-
ThermoElectron Delta Plus XP IRMS with Elementar Pyrocube elemental analyser for rapid throughput rapid throughput simultaneous δ13C and δ15N of organic matter. This is our "workhorse" instrument, and has the potential to measure δ34S, δ2H, and δ18O in organic material.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Delta V Plus IRMS with Thermo TC/EA for rapid throughput δ2H and/or δ18O analysis of organic material. This incorporates a Eurovector UniPrep autosampler.
Elementar Vision IRMS and Pyrocube elemental analyser for simultaneous δ13C and δ15N and δ34S of large organic samples.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Delta V Plus IRMS with IsoLink Flash HT elemental analyser for simultaneous δ13C and δ15N and δ34S of small or low S-concentration organic samples.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Delta V Plus with a Gas Bench II, for natural abundance isotope ratios of hydrogen and oxygen in waters. This also has the potential for several other types of analyses, including δ13C and δ18O of carbonates.
We also of course have access to the entire instrument portfolio of the stable isotope laboratory.
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